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Quick Contact +96 6505544153
  1. Control Expenses
    Renting provides significant savings over buying, so you can improve your bottom line.
  2. Inventory Control
    Equipment Rental can provide the extra equipment you need, when you need it, so you keep
    your equipment inventory at a minimum.
  3. The Right Equipment For The Job
    Renting lets you fit the type and size of equipment to the job for economy and safety.
  4. 24/7 Customer Care
    Day or night, you can reach our dedicated customer care representatives and they'll be able to
    access your account and resolve any problem quickly.
  5. Save On Storage/Warehousing
    You can significantly reduce your costs by eliminating the need for large equipment storage
    areas and buildings.
  6. Reduce Down Time
    If equipment breaks down, we handle it efficiently so your crew can keep working. Plus, you can
    say "goodbye" to repair costs.
  7. No Costly Repairs Or Up-Keep
    We can take care of the maintenance on the equipment, so you won't need a repair shop, spare
    parts inventory, mechanics, or extra staff to take care of inventory maintenance records.
  8. Save Disposal Costs
    You won't need to spend the time and money preparing, advertising, and selling used equipment.
  9. Cost Control
    Renting lets you simplify your bidding and billing, so you have just one accountable cost - the rental.
  10. Equipment Tracking
    The presence of continuous billing on rented equipment keeps it top of mind and establishes
    personal accountability.
  11. Less Hassle With Licenses
    Save time and gain peace of mind associated with equipment licensing and registration costs and
  12. Conserve Capital
    Rent the equipment you need and use your capital for other, potentially more profitable, ventures.
What We Do?
  • Material & Rental Equipment Supplier
  • General Trader and Contractor
  • Steel Fabricator and Erector
  • Manufacturer and Builder
  • Engineering and Construction
  • Industrial Services
  • Supplier of Oil and Gas Industry materials, tools and Equipment
Home Our Mission Business Activities Safety Policy Statement 12 Reasons to Rental Services Our Clients Contact Us Copyright © 2017 United Petroleum.
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